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In this ‘Building Sustainability’ podcast episode we talk to architect, Noel Isherwood. The discussion is largely around Poundbury, which is the expansion of Dorchester. It was designed for humans and community, not cars.
We talk about some of the ideas which made Poundbury ground breaking such as –
- Having no speed restriction signs for car users, relying on physical changes in the landscape and subconscious visual clues to slow drivers down.
- What worked and things that didn’t.
- How it has been received by others, both the initial reaction and how it informed the government’s planning guidance.
Taken from the Dutchy of Cornwall website about Poundbury
When work began in 1993, the basic idea was simple; Poundbury would be a high-density urban quarter of Dorchester which gives priority to people, rather than cars, and where commercial buildings are mixed with residential areas, shops and leisure facilities to create a walkable community.This approach aims to challenge some of the planning assumptions of the latter part of the 20th century and the past decade. As Poundbury has developed, it has demonstrated that there is a genuine alternative to the way in which we build new communities in the UK.
“Poundbury is currently home to approximately 3,000 people in a mix of private and affordable housing. The community also provides employment for over 2,000 people and is home to 180 businesses.”
Poundbury has also proved increasingly influential among industry professionals, attracting international interest and generating many organised tours every year from architects, town planners, academics and house builders. Its success has been recognised far beyond Dorset and many of the founding principles of Poundbury have now been incorporated into the British Government’s Planning Guidance Note PPG3.Click here for more information on Poundbury (includes images of the architecture and planning details)
Noel’s Work

Prince’s Foundation