I recently helped Straw Works teach the natural building elements on this beautiful roundhouse built by Ben @ http://www.ways-with-wood.com/ . It was a fantastic 10 days that transformed the structure into an all encompassing structure. Massive thanks to Straw Works and all the wonderful course participants!
(And will be returning in July to run an earthen floor workshop )
The week began with the straw:
round wood round house straw bale www.jeffreythenaturalbuilder.com
straw bale round wood round house
lovely timber work be Ben
Bales are customised to fit snugly around the frame
Barbara from Straw Works demonstrates using plastic to reduce friction
Ben added these curves to the window. The plaster will eventuall come down to meet them.
We then moved onto to preparing the bales for lime render on the outside and clay plaster on the inside:
The vegan chocolate treats for anyone wanting to stay and work a little longer!
Alcoves are carved into the bales
This peice of wood will be removed to create a truth window, showing the straw underneath.
Curves are added to the inside of the window and will be plastered in.
Straw bale round wood roundhouse , clay and lime http://jeffreythenaturalbuilder.com
Some fun was had.